What We Do!

The Situation 

Maternal deaths in rural areas are often attributed to three critical delays: seeking medical care, reaching medical facilities, and receiving appropriate treatment. To combat these challenges, our community-based interventions target reducing delays in seeking and reaching care, while facility-based interventions enhance treatment and referral systems.

 Our Solution 

Our community-based maternal neonatal child health (CBMNCH) initiative is designed to reduce maternal deaths, decrease cases of postpartum hemorrhage, and improve antenatal care service delivery for HIV/AIDs pregnant mothers living in rural Malawi. The program follows the Focused Antenatal Care (FANC CONCEPT) approach, which requires all pregnant mothers to attend four antenatal clinics and receive misoprostol medication to reduce postpartum hemorrhage. 
Early Antenatal Care (ANC)
Village Acute Malnutrition Management
Village mobile clinics
Birth Outcome Survey

Bwalo La Uchembere

Maternal Social Behavior Change Communication (MNeCH-SBCC)
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To achieve its goals, the initiative employs community mobilization to promote CBMNCH and encourages social behavior change in mother and child health care. The Smile Mums Foundation implemented the project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other key stakeholders. The project aims to decrease the under-five mortality rate by promoting the use of effective maternal, newborn, and child health interventions, which include post-partum family planning.

Our Projects

Read about current and former projects that SMF has worked on.